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Diseases are temporary negative effects inflicted upon the player. While they can be cured through special cards and events, they will tell you have many rooms are left to clear before they expire. Under special circumstances, like diseases gained from the Toxic God, their effects will be "permanent" and last the entire run.


All diseases can scale in their severity, determining how detrimental the negative affects are.

Disease Table

Name Image Effect Added
Brain Fog Brain Fog Thoughts blurry, reducing XP gain by 10%. Demo
Burning Alive Burning Alive That sucks, taking damage if still for longer than 4.50 seconds. Demo
Criminally Insane Criminally Insane Wanted, giving a 20% chance to spawn a Cop. Demo
Emotionally Dull Emotionally Dull Could NOT care less, reducing healing by 40% Demo
External Trauma External Trauma Blood everywhere, taking damage if you move for 2.85 seconds. Demo
Hamstrung Hamstrung Your hams are chafed, reducing SPD by 20%. Demo
Noodle Arm Noodle Arm]] Your arms feel like jelly, reducing ATK scaling by 10%. Demo
Pica Pica Really hungry, 10% chance to eat pickups instead. Demo
The Shakes The_Shakes Internal stiffenator is off-kilter, reducing ACC by 10 Demo
The Sickness The_Sickness Blood's gone bad, taking 1 damage at the end of every room. Demo
Tinnitus Tinnitus Painful sounds, spawning musical note every 4 seconds. Demo
Klutziness Klutziness Inner ear compromised, 10% chance on getting hit to be stunned. Demo