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GIF of the Junkthrower weapon being fired
Junkthrower in use.

The Junkthrower is a weapon in Schism. It is a large device that is wrapped in a black & yellow hazard pattern, with a funnel on top, a wooden grip and a lever on the underside. This weapon has a charge mechanic; the longer the player holds down the fire button (up to a limit,) the more projectiles that are shot, up to 8 bullets per shot. Charge time decreases as ATKSPD goes up.

Synergies & Interactions

+ Positive, = Neutral, - Negative


  • + Crowley Kris: The shotgun-like firing patterns of the Junkthrower lend themselves well to the Crowley Kris. At max charge, it is very likely for at least one projectile to hit something, preventing self-damage.
  • + Drain Psy: While holding the Junkthrower at max charge, the number of health draining bolts sent out on use are much higher than normal. Even with little to no scaling, the large quantities of bolts can often heal the player back to full health with just one use.
  • + Eye-Bot: Eye-Bots will fire shots at the same level of charge as the player. Furthermore, they will keep firing as long as the shoot button is held down. Eye-Bots can fire very large volleys of projectiles in a short time span due to this quirk.
  • + Fire Psy: Extremely effective! While holding the Junkthrower at max charge, the number of fireballs cast is much higher than normal. This can easily lead to widespread death and destruction for enemies and bosses alike, even at base stats and especially with repeated uses.
  • + Hired Gun: Hired Gun allies will permanently shoot eight more projectiles at a time, as long as the Junkthrower is both held by the player, and has been fully charged at least once during their lifetime. This is retained even if the player switches to another weapon and then selects the Junkthrower again. With large quantities of Hired Gun allies, this interaction can help clear rooms very quickly.
  • + Knife Psy: While holding the Junkthrower at max charge, the number of knives thrown on use is much higher than normal. This has the potential to cause large-scale damage and bleeding across the entire room if used correctly.
  • = 'Bright Side of the Sun' Record: As the Junkthrower is best used in close-quarters combat and otherwise has very unpredictable projectiles, this relic can be dangerous to pick up. Carefully consider if this relic is suitable if you are using a Junkthrower as your main source of damage.
  • - 'Child Alpha' Record: Not recommended. Full charge only adds two more junk bullets at base stats, bringing the total up to 11 max shots instead of 9, but with the full penalties of decreased ATKSPD and doubled AP cost.
  • - Sight Spotter: The reduced damage when firing at close range is detrimental and often a direct downgrade to the Junkthrower; the weapon works best at point-blank range, which the Sight Spotter relic discourages. This can be partially circumvented by investing in ACC to tighten the angle of the junk shots.


  • + War God: This god is desirable merely for the fact that they grant the Fire Psy active relic to the player, which is extremely potent while the Junkthrower is fully charged.


  • The Junkthrower is capable of firing many projectiles at once, but has a high AP cost as a result. Make sure that your AP is restored before engaging in close combat, or increase your ACC stat for more maximum AP.
  • It is almost never worth tapping the fire button to shoot many times in a short duration; each shot has the same AP cost regardless of the amount of bullets sent out. You may still fire a low power shot occassionally to quickly finish low health enemies however.
  • The extremely wide spread of the weapon discourages shots from a distance, even from close range. Engage in point blank fights when it is safe to do so, or increase your ACC stat to reduce the spread.
  • Active relics such as the Knife Psy and Drain Psy have an amplified number of projectiles while the weapon is at max charge. For more information, see the synergies & interactions list above.


  • ACC reduces the spread of the shots, but this is not mentioned in the tooltip.
  • The junk projectiles have slightly bigger hitboxes than standard bullets.
  • Although the projectiles have different possible sprites, this is purely visual and has no effect on gameplay.


  • The junk fired from this weapon appears to include glass bottles, shoes, lead pipes and other unidentifiable objects.
  • Considering the in-game lore in which the Prisoner is exploring a trash mountain, this weapon is a perfect fit for exploring such an environment, as ammo can potentially be found anywhere and in great abundance. However, this is not reflected in gameplay as the concept of ammo has been replaced with AP.
  • The Junkthrower has been incorrectly called the Junkblaster in patch notes.


Update history

Jaunary 22nd, 2024 (Update 0.1.5):

-reworked weapon: Junkblaster