Leaf Blower

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Gif of the Leaf Blower weapon being fired
Leaf Blower in use.

The Leaf Blower is a weapon in Schism. It is a 1-to-1 rendition of a standard real-life leaf blower, with a black hose, white handle and orange engine. When fired, it shoots air gust projectiles that deal very low damage, but with a high attack speed, with multiple gusts per shot.

A unique trait of the Leaf Blower is the very high knockback that it deals to enemies. While its damage output is not ideal for clearing combat rooms quickly, the knockback of the air gusts can easily push away dangerous foes, especially ones that attempt to chase the player.


  • Enemies such as Barkbiters, Party Rockers and Ballingers, who primarily deal melee damage, are good targets to be pushed away by the Leaf Blower. In particular, Crysto is heavily impacted by the weapon, as half the trouble with the fight is avoiding contact damage from the crystal pieces they split into.
  • Inversely, enemies that fire high volumes of ranged projectiles, such as Gattly-noids and Shotty-noids, can become much more unpredictable when pushed around. Be cautious when using the Leaf Blower against these foes, especially if you are not used to dodging their attacks.
  • Even if your Leaf Blower has very low stats compared to your other weapons, you can still use it during combat as a support tool to push enemies away in emergency situations, and then switch to something more powerful after.
  • Try to take advantage of the room's terrain to knock back and trap enemies into corners. Doing this prevents them from being pushed away erratically, significantly increasing the weapon's damage output.
  • However, be aware that enemies might be so strongly knocked around that they might collide with you and deal contact damage. Try to stand somewhat far away from them when using this strategy.


  • There is no mention of the Leaf Blower's increased knockback in its tooltip.
  • Some bosses are immune to knockback or are otherwise not affected by it; these include the Fly Queen and Wall Warden.


  • In the real world, leaf blowers are regularly used to clear areas of leaves, grass and other natural scraps. In the modern day, they face restrictions and bans in many parts of the world, especially the United States, due to the loud noise and pollution they generate.[1]
  • The Leaf Blower shares similar stats with the Flame Hose and Bullet Bather. This means that, in Schism's gameplay, gusts of air are about as lethal as burning flames and minigun bullets.
  • The Leaf Blower is one of two weapons in the game to not feature any traces of gun parts in its sprite, such as a barrel or trigger; the only other weapon to not have gun parts is the Deep League.
  • The game's story takes place in a giant mountain of trash. As such, one could argue that the Leaf Blower is simply a normal leaf blower with no special parts, that was mixed in with other weaponry as part of the mountain.

