Magic God

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The Magic God is an available god to worship in Schism. You can select this god in the temple, either via the holy machine, or by using an altar in the first floor.

This god is themed around active relics, and significantly increasing the amount of opportunities in which to use them. The player starts with doubled max MP and regen, and a choice of 3 random active relics, rather than a single predetermined relic added to the inventory. Using MP either via active relics or by insta-reloading will accumulate favor and XP at a 10:1 ratio.

However, the health of the player is also permanently halved for the rest of the run, including raised max HP through the VIT stat. Extra care must be taken to dodge enemy attacks and projectiles, although this is partly alleviated by the increased potential in both firepower and resource gathering. Healing is unaffected by this health penalty.

Faith, XP & Favor

Magic god breakdown
Breakdown of which points go towards what levels when worshipping the Magic god at 0 FAI.
MP Used Vs. FAI for Faith/XP
Σ MP Used/FAI 0 FAI 1 FAI 2 FAI 3 FAI 4 FAI 10 FAI
Used MP
= 10
1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 3.50
Used MP
= 50
5 6.25 7.5 8.75 10 17.5
Used MP
= 100
10 12.5 15 17.5 20 35
Used MP
= 1000
100 125 150 175 200 350

Faith/XP Gained = (MP Used / 10) + (MP Used x (FAI / 4)) / 10

While worshipping the Magic god, the player gains 1 point of faith/XP per 10 MP spent. These yields are increased as the FAI stat rises, adding 25% more faith per FAI point, linearly.

+Max MP for Favor
Max MP/Favor Fv. 0 Fv. 1 Fv. 2 Fv. 3
+Max MP Initial MP
10 20 30

+Max MP = (Initial MP x 2) + (Favor Level x 10)

After selecting the Magic god at a holy machine, the initial max MP that the player had beforehand is doubled. After that, every favor level increases max MP by an additional 10 points.

God Relics

The Magic god does not immediately grant an active relic, like most other gods. Instead, a choice of 3 active relics is spawned when chosen in the temple. Additionally, every 3 favor levels, the god delivers themed relics to the player that grant a wide range of benefits related to MP and active relic usage.

Magic God Relics
Name Image Effects Scaling Stackable
Brain Enhancer Brain Enhancer Gain 3 INT None Yes
Chaos Sigil Chaos Sigil Gain stacks on using an active relic
Stacks are equal to 5 to 10 plus 5% to 20% of a spell's cost
At 100 stacks you use the active again for free.
INT adds +1 stack, LCK adds +3 stacks No
Healer Sigil Healer Sigil Heal for 10% times 1 of any MP spent INT increases multiplier by +0.20x, WIS boosts it by +1x No
Hemomancer Sigil Hemomancer Sigil Trigger REGEN on taking damage None No
Invoker Sigil Invoker Sigil Gain stacks on any MP spent
Stacks are equal to 1 to 5 plus 50% of MP spent times 1
At 100 stacks trigger regen
INT increases percentage stack gain multiplier by +0.10x No
Invoker Wand Invoker Wand Chance to fire INT scaling bullet
Costs 2 MP if it hits
+5 ATK per INT No
Tinfoil Helmet Tinfoil Helmet +10 MANA
50% of damage is dealt to mana first
1 damage removes 1 mana
INT saves 0.02 mana per 1 damage No

The Magic god has a chance to deliver the Brain Enhancer to the player, a stackable relic which increases their INT stat by 3 for each copy. If all other relics have already been picked up, then only the Brain Enhancer will be delivered every 3 favor levels.


  • The choice selection of active relics can sometimes include relics that don't cost MP to use. It is not recommended to choose these as you will be missing a crucial sink for your regenerating MP, thus missing out on easy faith/XP.
  • By the same token, it is encouraged to pick an active relic that is easy to use many times in a row, even out of combat. Relics such as the Tarot Psy and Mint Psy are good choices for MP sinks, as they give resources in addition to faith/XP on use, whereas relics like the Pause Psy and Warp Psy are primarily used in combat, and give very little benefit on consecutive uses.
  • You can circumvent the max HP loss by investing in relics that increase your SHIELD and ARMOR. The Shield Psy is the best defensive tool for the job, as it also synergises with the increased max MP and regen.
  • You can also protect yourself with the Eternalism Scripture, although it is not dropped by the Magic god and functions more like a last resort option.
  • The yields from increasing Magic god favor level are disproportionately small when compared to other gods, but the power of their relics are not to be underestimated. The sigil relics (i.e. the Chaos Sigil and Invoker Sigil) are especially powerful, and can act as engines to break the game if the player is especially resourceful.


  • The description of the Magic god is slightly misleading. The doubling effect for MP and REGEN only activates once on selecting the god, and after that, all sources of extra MP/REGEN scale normally and are not doubled in any way.
  • The Invoker Wand's blue star projectiles also contribute to faith/XP whenever they drain MP.
  • Committing heresy and changing from the Magic god to another will not take away max MP earned from favor.
  • The Wrath of Prime relic can spawn as a part of the 3 active relic choices, if unlocked.


  • The reduced health effect after picking the Magic god is a common trope in media, especially video games, where wizard and mage characters have greatly enhanced magical abilities, but are otherwise significantly weaker to damage than others.


  • The player is able to select the same god when committing heresy at a holy machine. Ergo, they can choose the Magic god multiple times across many floors to double their MP and REGEN each time, at the cost of further reducing HP. However, this heresy exploit is most likely unintentional and has been listed on this page under the Bugs section.
