Chaos God

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The Chaos God is an available god to worship in Schism. You can select this god in the temple, either via the holy machine, or by using an altar in the first floor.

This god is themed around unpredictable changes in player stats, that overall give a big boost to personal firepower and resources. The player starts with 3 random increases to their 8 main stats, and can gain faith and XP by clearing combat rooms according to their total stat points. The starting active relic is Mutate Psy.

During each floor transition, all the player's stat points are rounded up and redistributed randomly. All stat ups, except for those gained by weapon mods, are affected by this randomization. The player must account for this mechanic and observe their stat graph regularly to be successful.

Faith, XP & Favor

Chaos god breakdown
Breakdown of which points go towards what levels when worshipping the Chaos god at 0 FAI.
Stat Points Vs. FAI for Faith
Σ Stats/FAI 0 FAI 1 FAI 2 FAI 3 FAI 4 FAI 5 FAI
= 5
5 5.5 6.5 8 10 12.5
= 10
10 11 13 16 20 25
= 15
15 16.5 19.5 24 30 45
= 20
20 22 26 32 40 50
= 50
50 55 65 80 100 125
= 100
100 110 130 160 200 250

Faith Gained = Total Stat Points x ((FAI x (FAI + 1) / 2) / FAI)

Faith gained with the Chaos god increases at an exponential rate as FAI increases, which is a rarity in Schism. The player gains an amount of faith that is equal to their total stats on room clear, and then gains some extra faith that scales multiplicatively with their FAI stat.

This means that the bonus faith starts small at first, but quickly rises to match base faith gain at 4 FAI, and then outpaces it shortly after. However, this is difficult to take advantage of as the player's stats are randomized at the beginning of each floor, and high FAI values are not always guaranteed.

+Stats for Favor
Stats/Favor Fv. 0 Fv. 1 Fv. 2 Fv. 3
+Stats 3 4 5 6

+Stats = 3 + (Favor Level x 1)

As the favor level of the Chaos god increments, so too will the total stats of the player, in a 1:1 ratio. These extra stat points are stacked on top of other stat sources, such as player stat choices and weapon mods.

Stat Randomization

After every floor transition, the game performs a series of RNG calculations to determine where the player's stat points are allocated. There are three 'styles' of stat randomization that the game can choose from, the consequences of which can vary wildly. It is recommended that the player takes courses of action to ensure that the worst case scenarios can still be outmaneuvered to secure a victory.

Style 1

Style 1 randomization

This style of randomization is the most common, occuring 50% of the time. The game rounds up the total amount of stat points that the player has (excluding temporary points from Mutate Psy), then redistributes them randomly, which tends to average out across the 8 main stats.

Style 1 is the least detrimental and will most often result in a well-balanced graph of stats.

Style 2

Style 2 randomization

This style of randomization is uncommon, occuring 33.33% of the time. The game rounds up the stat points of the player, then randomly selects three stats to redistribute the points into. The stat points being distributed only into three stats at a time can result in strange fluctuations in player strength during combat, and the amount of resources that can be collected.

Style 2 is more unpredictable than Style 1, but is not considered to be dangerous or wholly detrimental to the state of the run.

Style 3

Style 3 randomization

This style of randomization is rare, occuring only 16.66% of the time. The game rounds up the stat points of the player, then randomly selects a single main stat to allocate the entire reserve of points into. This culminates into extreme cases where the player is unusually strong in a particular stat, but is also very weak in the rest, which can result in bizarre playstyles emerging for the duration of the floor.

Style 3 is much more unpredictable than Style 1 and 2, and can potentially put the player in severe risk without preparation.

There are multiple strategies that the player can use, such as picking up weapons with Stat Grip weapon mods, or by correctly timing favor level ups to receive Designer Genome relics and thus circumvent the stat randomization altogether.

God Relics

The Chaos god grants the relic Mutate Psy when chosen in the temple, which is an active relic that randomly increases player stats by 1 until a combat room is cleared. Additionally, every 3 favor levels, the god delivers themed relics to the player that further randomize and/or boost stats, and grant opportunities for stat manipulation.

Chaos God Relics
Name Image Effects Scaling Stackable
Mutate Psy Mutate Psy Costs 20 MP
Gain random stat up for this room only
None Active relic
Designer Genome Designer Genome Re-assign your STATS None Yes
Esoteric Texts Esoteric Texts Gain random stat up None Yes
Evolved Genome Evolved Genome All stats up +1 random stat up per INT No
Mutated Genome Mutated Genome Gain 3 random stat ups
All stats are shuffled
INT gives +1 random stat No
Restored Texts Restored Texts Gain enough XP to level None Yes

The Chaos god has a chance to deliver copies of the Designer Genome, Esoteric Texts and Restored Texts to the player. The Designer Genome relic allows them to re-assign all of their stats once, each time it is picked up, and the Esoteric Texts & Restored Texts both give stat ups to the player in slightly different ways.

If all other relics have already been obtained, then only these three stackable relics will be delivered every 3 favor levels.


  • As all of your stats become randomized on a new floor, there is more value in boosting ones that you need now, rather than for the rest of the run. Knowing this, you can assign more points than usual into FAI and LCK, the benefits of which can meaningfully affect the future in their own ways. You may also invest immediately into VIT if your health becomes dangerously low.
  • The Evolved Genome may appear to be redundant with the Chaos god's randomization, but with proper strategy, it synergizes greatly with the Evolved Genome and Mutated Genome. If you are lucky and/or resourceful enough to encounter a combination of these relics during a floor, you can re-assign all your stats to INT before picking up the other genomes, and reap the rewards.
  • Likewise, using Mutate Psy for increased INT before picking up Evolved Genome and Mutated Genome can yield similar results.
  • Copies of Designer Genome can also be used to circumvent undesirable variations in stat point allocations after each floor.
  • Be wary of repeatedly using blood sacrifice machines with a high VIT stat. If you use these machines repeatedly with high VIT, and then descend down a floor with your VIT points reallocated elsewhere, you may have as little as 1 max health remaining.
  • The card This Ravaged Body grants a net increase of 1 stat point on use with the Chaos god. If you encounter the Dealer Psy active relic and use it while holding this card, you can gain +1 random stat every room.


  • If the player would die after their VIT stat is randomized to be lower than it was previously, their health is set to 1 instead.
  • If WIS is changed on floor transition, the player's keys and bombs are lowered and raised accordingly.
  • The randomizer prioritizes assigning points to stats that are lower than 0, and then continues as usual. Logically, this means that stats will never be randomized into values lower than 0 either.
  • Weapon mods that increase stats will never be randomized, and are the only source of player stats that are immune to this effect.


  • The Chaos god shares its name with the Altar to Chaos. As of update 0.1.4, this is supposedly the only god that can be interacted with while worshipping another.
  • The selection of relics that are associated with the Chaos god have strong themes of evolution and knowledge. It is not confirmed if the Chaos god itself has direct ties with either of these themes.


Update history

Jaunary 29th, 2024 (Update 0.1.6):

-chaos god now sometimes distributes your stats in a peculiar way