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  • Coins
  • Keys
  • Bombs
  • Health
  • Mana


  • Brown
  • Green
  • Red
  • Gold
  • Wrapped Present


For more information, see Cards

Cards are a special kind of pickup that offer a 1 time effect when used. You are able to hold 2 at a time. In a new run, some cards will spawn as a "Unknown Memory", which must be used (or otherwise revealed) to know their effect. These unknown effects can be positive or negative, most commonly raising or lowering a Stat or player health.

List of Cards
Name Image Effect Tier Added
Appraisal Appraisal Convert all items in the room to money Epic Demo
Blood Money Blood Money Curses all enemies, causing them to drop money on death Epic 0.1.5
Bombs Bombs Gives 1-3 bombs, creates non-damage bomb effect every sec per bomb Common Demo
Charm Charm Charms 1-3 random enemies for a duration Common Demo
Clarity Clarity Regen to full MP Rare Demo
Dead Eye Dead Eye Gain guaranteed crits for 10 seconds Common Demo
Destruction Destruction Deals heavy damage to all enemies Epic Demo
Disposable Armor Disposable Armor Gain temp shield equal to your max HP Rare Demo
Experiment Experiment Outside of combat gain permanent disease
for choice of relic
Legendary Demo
Faith No More Faith No More Lost 1 faith level, but gain 2 levels. Epic Demo
Fists of Flurry Fists of Flurry Attacks cost nothing this room Rare Demo
Fortune Fortune Double your current gold Legendary Demo
Free Cast Free Cast Copies your left active item for free Rare Demo
Free Credit Free Credit Next purchase is free Epic Demo
Full Heal Full Heal Heal to full HP Epic Demo
Gamble Gamble Risk your gold to get between
losing all of it and tripling it
Rare Demo
Gang Up Gang Up Spawn a large amount of allies Rare Demo
Godhood Godhood Become invincible for 10 seconds Legendary Demo
Health Potion Health Potion Heal between 10-25% of HP Common Demo
Helping Hand Helping Hand In cleared combat rooms create a good event Epic Demo
Insight Insight Reveal the entire map of this floor Rare Demo
Keys Keys Gives 1-3 keys and unlocks all in room Common Demo
Luck Out Luck Out Negate the next bad event
while holding this
Rare Demo
Mass Soften Mass Soften Enemies this room take 100% more damage Rare Demo
Mass Weaken Mass Weaken Enemies this room deal 50% less damage Common Demo
Melt Melt Destroys all walls Common 0.1.5
Memorize Memorize Reveal effect of memories held and in room Common Demo
Mimic Mimic Has the effect of the last card used Rare Demo
Mixed Potion Mixed Potion Restore 10-25 MP Common Demo
New Soul Revival New Soul Revival Revive to full HP when killed
while holding this
Legendary Demo
No Rush No Rush Reward timer for this room is permanently frozen. Rare Demo
Philosopher's Stone Philosopher's Stone Spawn a 3D Printer with unlimited stock Legendary 0.1.5
Plan S Plan S Die but spawn 5 merry chests Legendary 0.1.5
Rage Rage Double your ATK for this room Epic Demo
Razor Nova Razor Nova Afflict all enemies in the room with bleed Common Demo
Reload Reload Restores all AP and
gives 5 free attacks
Common Demo
Reroll Reroll Rerolls all relics in the room Rare Demo
Rid of this World Rid of this World Next attack kills whatever it hits Legendary Demo
Scry Scry Spawns 3 cards Epic Demo
Smoten Smoten Kills a random enemy,
or deals a chunk of boss's HP
Common Demo
This Ravaged Body This Ravaged Body Lose 1 level, but gain 2 faith levels Epic Demo
Treasure Treasure Spawn 1-3 chests Epic Demo
Warp Way Warp Way In cleared room teleport to a chosen special room Epic Demo