Slot Gun Mk. 7

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Gif of the Slot Gun Mk. 7 being fired
Slot Gun Mk. 7 in use.

The Slot Gun Mk. 7 is a weapon in Schism. It is a casino slot machine that has been fortified for combat, with a barrel and grip attached. When fired, it shoots normal bullets, but with a chance to fire 1 of 7 unique projectiles with their own effects instead.

The seven projectiles each have their own colors and sprites, with 6 of them causing Status Effects on hit. The 7th projectile is a flashing 7, that deals 7x the damage of what the bullet would have otherwise dealt, and stacks with all other damage modifiers.


Slot Gun Effects
Name Image Effect Scaling
Slot Gun Heart
Charms on hit 0.5s duration
+0.25s per INT
Orange Slot Gun Orange Inflicts BLEED 10% BLEED
+5% BLEED per INT
Bell Slot Gun Bell Confuses on hit 1s duration
+0.5s per INT
Bar Slot Gun Bar Inflicts BURN +2.5x BURN
+1x BURN per INT
Diamond Slot Gun Diamond Stuns on hit 0.5s duraiton
+0.16s per INT
Lemon Slot Gun Lemon Inflicts POISON Applies 1 poison
+1 poison every 4 INT
Slot Gun Seven
Deals 7x damage No scaling

Each unique projectile has a chance to replace ordinary bullets, affected by LCK. Furthermore, each effect that corresponds to these shots scale upwards in power for every point of INT that the player has.

  • BURN, BLEED and POISON damage is very low with 0 INT, but become more lethal as INT increases.
  • Confusion, Charm and Stun last for a short while at first, but each of them lasts longer for every INT point.
Slot Gun Chances
Projectile/LCK Image 0 LCK 1 LCK 2 LCK 3 LCK 4 LCK 5 LCK 10 LCK ≥100% Chance
Seven Slot Gun Seven 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 15% Min. 95 LCK
Unique Shots
Slot Gun Orange 33% 38% 43% 48% 53% 58% 83% Min. 14 LCK
Default Bullet Default bullet 62% 56% 50% 44% 38% 32% 2% N/A

Seven Chance = 5% + (1% x INT)
Other Shot Chance = 33% + (5% x INT)
Bullet Chance = 62% - (6% x INT)

The default odds for the Seven projectile and the other 6 projectiles start at 5% and 33%, respectively. The game rolls for the Seven shot first, and if that fails, the game then rolls for the other 6 unique shots. If both checks fail, an ordinary bullet spawns instead. The 6 special bullets have equal, unbiased odds to appear if their check succeeds.


  • The Seven projectile is by far the most valuable to roll from the Slot Gun Mk. 7 weapon, and is especially powerful with the Heavy Shot weapon mod that further multiplies damage. With this combination, bosses can occassionally die from a single Seven projectile, not counting any relic effects in the player's inventory.
  • LCK is a great stat on its own, but the Slot Gun Mk. 7 amplifies its potential. LCK not only increases the rate at which bullets become unique slot gun projectiles, but also increases their CRIT chance as well. This is especially impactful for the Seven bullet, which can gain crit damage on top of its 7x damage multiplier.
  • INT is also essential, as it increases the duration of Charm and Stun, two status effects which can disable enemy and boss attacks while active.


  • The BURN damage from the Bar bullet is further boosted by its innate INT scaling as a status effect.
  • The hitbox of the slot gun projectiles are slightly bigger than standard bullets.
  • If the player owns relics and weapon mods that increase either BURN, BLEED or POISON, then the associated Slot Gun Mk. 7 projectile will always trigger their effects in addition to their innate effects (i.e. Orange projectile applies its own bleed% and all other sources of bleed% combined in the player's inventory.)
  • Since the game does a luck check for the Seven shot first before rolling for the 6 remaining shot types, the player can theoretically reach a 100% chance to fire a Seven with each shot, making the Slot Gun Mk. 7 one of the most powerful weapons in the game. However, this requires an absurd LCK stat that is near impossible to reach without breaking the game in some form.


  • The Slot Gun Mk. 7 is a reference to the many slot machines that can be found in casinos around the world. In turn, every projectile sprite is taken from standard slot machine symbols.
  • The number 777 adorns the top of the weapon, which is commonly known as a representation of good luck.
  • When spawning a unique projectile, a snippet of a slot machine win sound effect plays. This sound clip is extended if the Seven projectile spawns.
  • The 'Slot Gun' part of the weapon's name phonetically sounds similar to 'shotgun', despite the firearm functioning more like an assault rifle.
