'Stay in Radiance' Record

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GIF of instant attacks
The relic converts attacks into instant lasers.

The 'Stay in Radiance' Record is a relic in Schism. It is 1 out of the 11 'record' relics in the game that have a theme of adding powerful modifiers to player's attacks. The associated god for this relic is Champ, and it may be granted as a relic reward every 3 favor levels.

This relic converts weapon attacks made by the player into instant lasers. This is the only effect of the relic, and does not provide any bonuses such as extra ATK or ATKSPD.

Synergies & Interactions

+ Positive, = Neutral, - Negative


  • + Crowley Kris: Unpredictable enemy movements are irrelevant with instant attacks, and as such, avoiding self-damage from the Crowley Kris is guaranteed as long as the player has accurate aim.
  • + Drain Psy: The draining projectiles now travel instantly and will still retain the homing properties. This is very helpful as they are extremely slow otherwise.
  • + Fire Psy: Fireballs no longer explode on contact with walls; they now bounce around the room many times with an extremely high range until it either hits something or reaches the end of its lifespan. This almost guarantees that Fire Psy will hit something, even if the attack misses at first, especially with high RNG.
  • + 'Goodheroism' Record: The instant lasers will curve towards enemies. With high RNG and INT, the player can virtually fire anywhere in the room and hit many enemies at once, as long as the damage is high enough to also pierce through multiple targets.
  • + Knife Psy: The knives now travel instantly.
  • + Sight Spotter: The instant attacks can very easily hit enemies, even if they move unpredictably. As a result, triggering maximum damage ramp-up with the Sight Spotters is a lot simpler to accomplish.
  • = 'The Preschool Dropout' Record: The split attacks will also inherit the instant laser behaviour.
  • = 'Gyrocopter over the Desert' Record: This synergy has strange behaviour. Attack pathing cannot be adjusted in mid-air, but will still attempt to curve towards the cursor. At high ACC and INT, the lasers can sometimes pierce straight through walls and other obstacles if the cursor is aimed towards the other side. Beware that the lasers will no longer cover the room with bouncing, and will instead curve repeatedly around the cursor until their lifespans end.
  • = Thunder Psy: No effect. The thunder strikes will still take some time to hit their target.


  • + Bubble Gun: The bubbles travel instantly, and still leave behind a floating bubble if they do not hit an enemy.
  • + Caltrough: The spikes travel instantly, and will still become floor hazards at the end of their projectile lifespan.
  • + Heartbreak: Unpredictable enemy movements are irrelevant with instant attacks, and as such, avoiding self-damage from the Heartbreak is guaranteed as long as the player has accurate aim.
  • + Leaf Blower: The air gusts travel instantly and retain their knockback effect.
  • + Sea King: All three bullets will converge at the cursor simultaneously.
  • = Hook Sinker: The grappling hook will now pull enemies toward the player instantly. However, the player can no longer use the hook to pull themselves towards walls.
  • = Missile Command: No effect. Missiles still have a delay between firing and hitting their target.
  • = Sir Spellington: The letters will now travel instantly, but will also be completely invisible, except for the 'puff' effect when they hit an enemy or reach the end of their lifespan. This can make tracking their paths very difficult.
  • = Stinger: No effect.
  • - Orrery Cannon: The orbital effect is completely lost. The weapon now fires a standard laser similar to other conventional weapons.


  • + Rid of this World: Missing with instant attacks is very unlikely with accurate aim. The card's instant kill effect is nearly guaranteed to hit, even if the target moves unpredictably.


  • + Allies: Allies that shoot projectiles will benefit from the relic and will now have instant laser attacks.
  • = Instant weapons: No effect. These weapons already had instant attacks to begin with.
  • = Melee weapons: No effect. Melee weapons will continue to behave as normal.


  • You can make much more use out of your aiming crosshair with instant attacks. Placing your crosshair directly on a target will guarantee a hit, as long as you have enough RNG to accommodate.
  • Some enemies in Schism can shuffle about in random directions, making it harder to consistently hit them with your attacks. The 'Stay in Radiance' Record negates this by converting all attacks to instant projectiles, which counters this behaviour.
  • The 'Stay in Radiance' Record becomes a huge detriment against the Council boss fight. When there are few heads remaining, they become very difficult to hit with instant attacks, whereas regular projectiles have time to hit the boss as they travel through the air for an amount of time.


  • If the lasers are destined to pierce through an enemy, they will stall for a moment before continuing towards their path. This is much more noticeable when lasers need to traverse through decorative pots.
  • The lasers are able to destroy crates, TNT ect. in combat rooms before starting the fight. This is usually disallowed and is unable to occur without instant attacks.
  • The relic's interaction with the Slot Gun Mk. 7 is purely visual. Although the symbols may appear to change along the trajectory, the attack is internally the same symbol throughout.


  • Record names in Schism are references to real life music albums, using synonyms and antonyms to playfully conceal the true name of the record. For the 'Stay in Radiance' Record, the referenced album is Remain in Light by the band Talking Heads, released in 1980.


  • When combined with the Sir Spellington weapon, the letters will travel instantly, but will also become invisible.
