Lawn Zombies

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Lawn Zombies is a relic in Schism. The associated god for this relic is Love, and it may be granted as a relic reward every 3 favor levels.

When picked up, it grants +3 zombie allies that chase and attack enemies, and revive in the next room on death. In addition, the relic can randomly buff zombies (even from sources other than the relic itself) to provide either bonus damage, resistance or speed, and rarely a combination of all three. These buffs each have their own chances to occur, scaling with a variety of player stats.


There are four different types of zombies that can spawn while the Lawn Zombies relic is in the player's inventory, which each have their own scaling odds to appear. Similar to normal zombies, they deal 50% of the player's damage on contact with an enemy and move at half the player's SPD, with these bonus modifiers added on top.

Zombie Types
Name Image Effect Scaling
Bucket Zombie Bucket Zombie.gif 10% chance to replace normal zombie
+75% damage reduction
VIT boosts chance by +5%
INT boosts chance by +1%
Cone Zombie Cone Zombie.gif 10% chance to replace normal zombie
+100% damage dealt
STR boosts chance by +5%
INT boosts chance by +1%
Balloon Zombie Balloon Zombie.gif 10% chance to replace normal zombie
+100% movement speed
DEX boosts chance by +5%
INT boosts chance by +1%
Football Zombie Football Zombie.gif 3% chance to replace normal zombie
+75% damage reduction
+100% damage dealt
+100% movement speed
LCK boosts chance by +1%
INT boosts chance by +0.20%

Synergies & Interactions

+ Positive, = Neutral, - Negative


  • + Jingle Keys: The bonus LCK from Jingly Keys can provide better odds for football zombies to spawn. At 5 keys used during the floor with no INT, football zombies have an 8% chance to spawn, up from 3%.
  • + Scholar's Mask: Odds for each lawn zombie to spawn will increase as the player's HP runs out. At 50% HP with base INT, lawn zombies will each have a 15% chance to appear, up from 10% each, with the exception of football zombies which have a 4% chance to spawn, up from 3%.
  • + Tome of Necromancy: Enemy kills that successfully spawn Zombies will also have the opportunity to roll for lawn zombie modifiers.
  • = 'Bright Side of the Sun' Record: With this relic, lawn zombies deal the same amount of explosive damage as normal zombies would, while also taking self-damage from their own attacks. However, bucket zombies and football zombies are more resistant to this self-damage.


  • + Love: The additional zombies gained from increasing favor levels are affected by Lawn Zombies and will roll for bonus modifiers.


  • + Gang Up: zombies spawned by the Gang Up card will roll for lawn zombie modifiers.


  • = Explosive weapons: While the player is holding these weapons, lawn zombies deal the same amount of explosive damage as normal zombies would, while also taking self-damage from their own attacks. However, bucket zombies and football zombies are more resistant to this self-damage.


  • The football zombie is the most powerful out of all the lawn zombies; they have an approximate value of about 10 zombies at once, thanks to their double damage and the 75% damage resistance, which allows them to live 4x longer than a normal zombie. The bonus speed is not to be ignored either, since they can reach their targets and deal damage significantly faster this way.
  • On the contrary, the balloon zombie can be considered the weakest special zombie, but they are still better than no modifier at all, since they are much more likely to dodge projectiles and reach their targets before dying.
  • You can use explosive weapon or the 'Bright Side of the Sun' Record to destroy your own zombies. This is useful if you would like to potentially replace normal zombies with a special lawn zombie. However, this can be time consuming and is only recommended if you really need the extra power for the next room.
  • Although not synergies in the traditional sense, the stats gained from the Chaos God and their starting Mutate Psy relic are much more beneficial than with other items. This is because Lawn Zombies is affected by 5 stats at once, which increases the likelihood of random stat ups affecting the odds of lawn zombie spawns. This is applied on top of the usual stat benefits for zombies in general, and can make way for a very powerful ally build.


  • Football zombies have the first priority to spawn. If their spawn check fails, then bucket zombies will have the next check, then cone zombies and so on. With hypothetical infinite stats, football zombies will always spawn over all the others.
  • If the player's stats are very high, but not to an extreme degree, other lawn zombies will still be able to spawn. However, balloon zombies will be extremely rare as their check comes last.
  • Unlike normal zombies, football and balloon zombies are unaffected by the player's SPD and will run at a fixed movement speed instead.


  • The Lawn Zombies relic is a reference to the Plants vs. Zombies video game franchise, in which the player must use plants such as peashooters and sunflowers to construct a defense against invading zombies of various types.
  • Buckethead zombies have about 6x the health of a normal zombie.
  • Conehead zombies have about 3x the health of a normal zombie, but have no damage bonus, in contrast to the cone zombies from this relic.
  • Balloon zombies are airborne and can bypass the player's entire defense; they require specific plants to burst their balloon and prevent a game over.
  • Football zombies are very powerful, sporting more health than a bucket zombie and moving at almost twice the speed. However, they also do not have a damage bonus unlike their Schism counterpart.
  • These traits apply to the zombies found in the first game and may not be accurate to all games in the series. [1]
  • The relic name 'Lawn Zombies' could itself be a reference to the end credits song of the first Plants vs. Zombies game, titled 'Zombies on your Lawn'.
  • The Lawn Zombies relic has the most stat scaling out of any other relic or weapon in the game, adding to 5 total stats that are able to increase the relic's power.
  • This relic is the first since Update 0.1.0, the Early Access release update, to have been added as a god relic. In this case, it is dropped by the Love god.
  • This relic was created and added to the game out of a repurposed suggestion for a Love God buff related to their zombie favor bonus.[2]


Update history

February 12th, 2024 (Update 0.1.8)

-new relic: Lawn Zombies (thanks shmuck)
[Undocumented] Added Lawn Zombies to the Love god's pool.
